Supportive bras
Bras for strain relief on the back and shoulders
Big busted women know how important a good support bra is to hold the breast. The support bras by Anita come with wide straps and functional materials to help relieve strain and prevent shoulder and neck pain.

Underwear for your health
What does women's underwear have to do with health? Quite a lot.
Dr Hans-Ulrich Krüger, chief physician at the Department of Internal Medicine/Oncology, Bavarian Rehabilitation Centre Clinic in Freyung, says that "bras can be responsible for a number of disorders involving the musculoskeletal system". Bra straps, for example, can put a lot of strain on the complex structures of the shoulder joint and cervical spine.
When bra straps are too narrow, they can cut into the shoulders, causing inflammation of the tendons and misalignment of the cervical spine, which in turn can lead to tension and back pain. Over longer periods of time, misalignment can lead to joint wear and arthrosis.
You can prevent health problems by consulting a bra fitter at a store near you when purchasing a bra.